Ant-Man review

Finally i was able to see marvel’s tiniest hero in action. (spoilers….. duh)

I had quite high expectations going into this, from my own hype about the film. Ant-man being one of my favorite heroes, and the high amount of good things I’ve read from people who had already seen it. Everyone was right this movie is fun and enjoyable from the title screen till the end credits. The comedy hits pretty much all the time, it was a great choice for this to be more a comedy than the previous marvel films. It fits greatly with the character of Scott Lang who is more of a joker and laid back ant-man than Hank Pym. Though behind the scenes drama aside it still had that Edgar Wright sense of humor about it, which is always welcome.

Michael Douglas as hank pym is fantastic, to be honest I was a little miffed when I heard that hank wasn’t going to be the main character of the movie. Im more familiar with the pym ant-man than Scott Lang. But Douglas does a great job as hank, bringing the same tortured soul you see in the comics to life. Paul Rudd is fantastic as Scott Lang, instantly likable and lovable. Really perfect casting here. Rudd does a great job at bringing the father just trying to do right by his daughter by doing the wrong thing for the right reasons to the screen. Michael Pena and Evangeline lily do a great job as Luis, Scott’s friend and Pym’s daughter Janet. Also special mention to Corey Stoll for being a great villain and a complete dick in the movie.

The highlight of the movie has to be the special effects. When ant-man shrinks its incredible, it felt like a whole new world seeing everything from an ants perspective. The training sequence with scott learning to control the different types of ant is hilarious and gorgeous. The fight scene with falcon is especially entertaining, it really shows you how formidable an opponent you can’t see can be. The penultimate fight scene between yellow jacket and ant-man is a spectacle of wonderment and creativity.  they fight in a briefcase for gods sake, while its falling from a helicopter I might add. And the fight in scott’s daughters room is a sight and delight to behold and one of the best fights in the mcu.

This is a more light-hearted affair then most of the other movies in the mcu.  I think that works to its advantage. This is a story of 2 men  just trying to do right by their daughters, it’s a down to earth story and its refreshing to see that in the mcu. Not every movie has to be about saving the world/universe. I really enjoyed ant-man and im excited to see what else they do with him in the future, also the end credit scenes are fantastic the first is a treat for ant-man and wasp fans and the end credits scene is a great sneak peek into civil war.

4 out 5 ants

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